Practice Questions
Alcohols and Phenols

Complete the reactions :

reaction of alcohol with h2so4

Complete the reactions :

reaction of alcohol with al2o3

Why doesn't phenol react with PCl5?

reaction of alcohol and phenol with pcl5

Complete the reaction :

reaction of alcohol with socl2

Arrange in decreasing order of b.p.

boiling point in alcohol

Distinguish alcohol and phenol using FeCl3.

fecl3 test

Identify ?a and ?b :


Identify ?a and ?b :

question on alcohol


Propan-2-ol gives iodoform test.

iodoform test to distinguish alcohol


Propan-1-ol doesn't give iodoform test :

iodoform test in alcohol

Acidity order should be :

acidity alcohol phenol and water

Distinguish 1° 2° 3° alcohols :

lucas test to distinguish primary secondary and tertiary alcohols

Complete the reactions :

reaction of phenol with bromine

Complete the reaction :

reaction of phenol with zinc dust

How do primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols react with Cu at 573 K.

reaction of alcohols with Cu at 573 K

What Next

If you were able to answer the above questions, then you can study our ethers tutorial.