Practice Questions
Organic Chemistry Fundamentals
What is the name of this compound?
Write its bond-line formula.
Which one acts as a nucleophile?
Which one acts as an electrophile?
Is it homolysis or heterolysis?
Which type of reaction is this?
What is the type of hybridisation of carbon in
Which one is more stable?
This is an example of cis-trans isomerism :
[Wrong] Reference :
[Correct] Well done!!
This is an example of resonance :
[Correct], Well done!!
[Wrong] Reference :
What is the order of stability of carbocations?
In which bond inductive effect is least?
Which bond is the longest among these?
Which bond is the strongest among these?
What is the relation between this pair of structures?
They are metamers as well as position isomers
What Next
We recommend learning
nomenclature of compounds. If you already know the rules of nomenclature, then you can start
learning hydrocarbons.